Social Media Policies
Seems lots of people are working hard these days to establish policies specific to social media and online interactions with staff and students. Specifically, many of these policies are focused on the ways staff are engaging social media both inside and outside the classroom. My district has recently started exploring the possibility of establishing our […]
ASCD Podcating Presentation
The following are my notes, reflections, and slidedeck from my ASCD podcasting presentation. I presented this session with Jeff Arnett, the Chief Communications Officer for Barrington Community Unit School District 220. Jeff and I began the session asking the question, “What can you accomplish when you merge communication strategy and innovative instruction?” As Jeff is […]
Who Do We Belong To?
I have to establish from the outset, I’m not yet determined in my thinking on this topic. I’m also not sure that the conversation will get us any further than what Mr. Jakes likes to call a “taffy pull.” But it might. Might not, either. We’ll see. Many of us are moving in and out […]
Our Ideas are Interactive
I read a great post by a student in my grad class last week that has me thinking again about the idea of a backchannel. I wrote about this a while ago, but it seems the topic has surfaced again recently about the value of a backchannel. The past several conferences I have attended have […]
A Polarized People
I was eating breakfast with my dad last weekend, just sitting enjoying the beautiful Sunday morning meandering through the topics of our lives, when half way through my plate of banana nut pancakes the conversation turned to politics. My father, never one to hold back an opinion, began to passionately engage the conversation. He worked […]