The Stories of CCSD59

I’ve been doing a very bad job at a very important part of my job lately.
Our students, staff, and community continue to do amazing work, and I haven’t been sharing the incredible efforts they have been producing nearly enough. See the video above as an example of what our staff and students have been accomplishing.
This fall, our district began a new journey to leverage the promise of technology to amplify student learning. Every student in grades K-2 received a Nexus 7 tablet, and every student in grades 3-8 received both a Nexus 7 and a Chromebook. You can see our Innovative Learning Timeline to learn more about our journey.
And, it is a journey. It will take us a few years to get good at maximizing technology’s potential. But that’s what learning is all about.
This has been an incredible year, and we certainly still have much to learn. It is very difficult for me to properly say just how very proud I am of our students and our staff as they have worked through many challenges, experienced many triumphs, and continue to move forward to embrace the new learning landscape.
From being invited to create the videos below to use our district’s story as part of the opening program to introduce the President at the White House #FutureReady event, to sharing the great stories of our staff, I am incredibly honored to be part of the CCSD59 team.
I look forward to doing a better job at the important part of my job of sharing those stories with you all more as we continue on our journey.