Plan to Communicate

Posted by on Dec 14, 2010

“If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.” -Sir Isaac Newton

I must begin with a thank you to Mr. Jeff Arnett, to whom I owe my greatest debt of gratitude. Jeff is the Chief Communications Officer of Barrington 220, a sage mentor, and a great friend. Jeff has consistently demonstrated the greatest patience and support, and without his wisdom and guidance, there is absolutely no chance that this communications plan would be anything close to what it turned out to be. Thanks, Jeff.

Below is the District 123 Communications Plan that I presented to our board of education last night. I believe there is great significance here in this document, and I am excited about what its implementation will mean to our district. It is my hope that the plan will do what it is intended- to create a systems of communications for our district that will build trust, increase transparency, improve awareness, and move all stakeholders to advocacy.

And I hope through the accomplishing of those that it will actualize its greatest potential- to help provide the strongest educational environment possible for our students.

As always, I welcome your feedback and input on any way you believe we could make this plan stronger.

District 123 Communications Plan

Thanks to josstyk for the use of the Flickr image.

1 Comment

  1. on the shoulders of giants | apply{!skid}
    February 6, 2011

    […] Plan to Communicate ( […]


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