Time to Move
We talk a lot about change around here. By we, I really mean me and assume there’s some of you here to. But talk, as they say, is cheap. There’s a point where it has to start costing. Or paying. Or doing something other than being a mere utterance. I’m excited that my talk is […]
Communication and Collaboration
This week I had the distinct privilege of presenting two sessions on Communication and Collaboration at District 30 in Illinois with Andy Kohl. Although we had enough material to last us through the day, we tried to cram it all in a 90 minute time slot. Needless to say, we didn’t get to everything. I […]
Conference Connections, or Lack Thereof
Educational technology conferences are strange beasts. Masses gather to focus and discuss technology, all the while maintaining throughout the discussions that it isn’t about technology. It creates a rather odd juxtaposition. I actually really like Ryan Bretag‘s statement he made a while back on Twitter that he prefers to go to content-specific conferences rather than […]
The Power of a Conference
I believe attending conferences is one of the most dynamic ways for a professional to develop. I recently attended the IETC conference in Springfield, IL, and I left, as I typically do from such a conference, with the indelible notion that there simply aren’t many better forms of professional development in existence. I find this […]
Building Better Backchannels
I remember the first time I heard the term, “backchannel.” I was at NECC, and I was immediately struck at how the word seemed somehow geekily mystic. It took me a bit to realize the term was really just synonymous with chat. According to the define function of Google, a backchannel is, “the practice of […]