A Question of Equity
I had another conversation this week that left me much in the same frame of mind as the one I had last week. This is a topic I’ve struggled with for many years, and I’m really not sure what the answer is. The topic is equity. The topic is tough. If a public school teacher […]
Letting Literacy be Literacy
In my opinion, most often discussions of “new literacies” are really discussions of new skills in applying literacy to new contexts. Let me explain. Literacy, at its core, is about gathering and conveying meaning through communication. In the very beginning, before modern language, there was showing and viewing. I’d show you how to hunt a […]
Conference Connections, or Lack Thereof
Educational technology conferences are strange beasts. Masses gather to focus and discuss technology, all the while maintaining throughout the discussions that it isn’t about technology. It creates a rather odd juxtaposition. I actually really like Ryan Bretag‘s statement he made a while back on Twitter that he prefers to go to content-specific conferences rather than […]
Technically, It’s not a Tech Plan
Technically, we already have a tech plan. We are required to submit one to the state of Illinois in order to receive our eRate funding. The problem is, while it’s a solid plan, its focus is far too narrow to be a true guiding document for the entire district’s implementation of technology. We needed more. […]
Focus from Fatherhood
On Thursday, January 22nd, I became a father. Life hands us many unfathomably incredible experiences as we live it, but none can compare to seeing life that you halved the responsibility in making come into existence in this world. I must be forthright and admit, I was warned by many. I was told it would […]