UbD and Technology
Notes from the session “Understanding by Design and Technology Integration” by Mark Fijor. Presented at the ICE 2010 conference on Friday, February 26. Wiki link: http://sd25tech.pbworks.com/Understanding-by-Design-and-Tech Start off with an essential question. Something that is debatable. For example, “Can technology really enhance and support standards-based curriculum or is it just a passing fad?” Determine whether […]
Technology and Curriculum
*This is a reflection post required for my JHU-ISTE Leadership program. This post is being completed for the course “Curriculum Theory.” We have been exploring various curricular theories and programs, and this week we are to reflect on the following two questions: * As a school administrator and instructional leader, what instructional technology would you […]
What is Curriculum?
I have been in education for ten years, and I haven’t thought enough about that question. I’m now in the second week of the course, “Curriculum Theory” in my JHU-ISTE program, and we’ve started wrestling with some tough questions about curriculum. The first being the title for this post. What is curriculum? It seems the […]
Our Ideas are Interactive
I read a great post by a student in my grad class last week that has me thinking again about the idea of a backchannel. I wrote about this a while ago, but it seems the topic has surfaced again recently about the value of a backchannel. The past several conferences I have attended have […]
What’s the Goal?
There exists a philosophy of technology that states we should be dedicating specific time in our school day to teach students finite skills of operating computing technology. That in order to prepare our students properly for the world, we must teach them how to word process and how to operate Power Point and how to […]