Time to Move
We talk a lot about change around here. By we, I really mean me and assume there’s some of you here to. But talk, as they say, is cheap. There’s a point where it has to start costing. Or paying. Or doing something other than being a mere utterance. I’m excited that my talk is […]
Another Beginning
Life is unexpected. Just when you think you’ve crested a hill and can look long at the path stretching before you, opportunity arises and you find yourself taking a road unanticipated. I won’t say I’ve taken the one less traveled by, but I have taken another. Today, I officially began my job as the Director […]
Assessment is a Bad Word?
Many teachers in many districts have the same reaction to the word assessment. Mention it, and you could very well elicit a visual cringe. That’s interesting. The most oft cited criticism of assessment is that we don’t have time for it. I don’t really get that. I can’t say it any better than Grant Wiggins […]
ASCD Literacy in a Digital Age Presentation Notes
The following are my notes, reflections, and slidedeck from my ASCD literacy presentation. I presented this session with Angela Maiers, a true guru in the land of literacy. Angela and I began our presentation by asking the participants to answer the question, “What is literacy?” Certainly there has been much written and discussed on this […]
Communication and Collaboration
This week I had the distinct privilege of presenting two sessions on Communication and Collaboration at District 30 in Illinois with Andy Kohl. Although we had enough material to last us through the day, we tried to cram it all in a 90 minute time slot. Needless to say, we didn’t get to everything. I […]