Practice Makes…

Posted by on May 15, 2009

The average American student will take American history at least four times in the span of his or her education.  How many of those people can now recall why the Battle of Quebec, fought in 1759, was an important event in American history? I was talking about this concept with a teacher this week, and […]

An Online Identity Crisis of Sorts

Posted by on Mar 27, 2009

A few weeks ago I took my life into my own hands and faced certain ruin and potential eternal consequences.  I sent a tweet from church. My wife had to leave service to take care of our young son, and I was left to my own devices.  Quite literally.  I decided to try an experiment […]

Focus from Fatherhood

Posted by on Jan 25, 2009

On Thursday, January 22nd, I became a father.  Life hands us many unfathomably incredible experiences as we live it, but none can compare to seeing life that you halved the responsibility in making come into existence in this world.  I must be forthright and admit, I was warned by many.  I was told it would […]

21st Century Confusion

Posted by on Dec 20, 2008

I don’t think I’m a fan of the whole 21st Century Literacies concept.  I think there’s something fundamentally wrong with the entire approach.  I did say “think”, so I’m still working through all this.  Let me explain. The traditional definition of the term “literacy” means to be literate.  This comes from the most current version […]

What if…

Posted by on Nov 17, 2008

What if we stopped for just a moment, took a step back, and asked why?  Why are we engaging in education the way we are right now?  Why is it that the modern construct of education not only looks the way that it does, but why are we using it? Maybe a better way to […]