NECC 2009
Yes, this is my gratuitous NECC 2009 reflection post. There were too many experiences and too many conversations that took place for me not to stop and reflect on the week as I experienced it. The most noticeable observation I can make is the comparison of experiences from last year’s NECC to this year’s. Last […]
Viva la Revolution
I know that I should, and I think that I do, but I’m actually not entirely sure what the title of this post means. It sounds cool when you say it, and part of it is partly the title of a new project I played 1/3 of a part in starting. A few months ago […]
Legally Liable?
I read a story today that all but requires me to follow up with the ideas discussed in my recent post, “Technology Guidelines.” I’ve been simultaneously encouraged and challenged by the comments to the post, and I’m heartened to see many affirm my position on the issues. There remains, however, one nagging thought that I […]
Safety Second?
This issue has never been more important to me. Alec Couros recently wrote a post about a very disturbing experience he had with someone viewing pictures of his daughter on Flickr. If you haven’t read it yet, it’s an excellent piece, and I’d strongly recommend you read it first before proceeding here. The story absolutely […]