21st Century Clarification
I’m thoroughly enjoying the excellent discussion going on here about the whole notion of 21st Century Literacy. I find it fascinating, and the conversation has me thinking about this in ways I never would have had we not all engaged in the discussion. That’s certainly a testament to the power of collaborating and communicating, but […]
21st Century Confusion
I don’t think I’m a fan of the whole 21st Century Literacies concept. I think there’s something fundamentally wrong with the entire approach. I did say “think”, so I’m still working through all this. Let me explain. The traditional definition of the term “literacy” means to be literate. This comes from the most current version […]
What It’s All About
Last month I had a compelling conversation with 21 educators in Moodle. I’m still rather reeling from the whole discussion. I posed the question, “What is the goal of education?” Much as I did in this post. I received 21 profound, comprehensive, thought-provoking responses. I, in turn, crafted my response to the question. The following […]