The Best About Me Page You’ll Ever See
I simply don’t believe you will find a better About Me page than the one found here. The page belongs to Aaron Iba, the now former CEO of AppJet, the company who created EtherPad. Iba’s product was acquired by Google for a reported $10 million, and I would imagine he is quite happy with the […]
Our Ideas are Interactive
I read a great post by a student in my grad class last week that has me thinking again about the idea of a backchannel. I wrote about this a while ago, but it seems the topic has surfaced again recently about the value of a backchannel. The past several conferences I have attended have […]
What’s in a Book?
I wrote a post this week for my Tech & Learning blog entry about books. If you haven’t read it, I would love to get your thoughts on the topic. The more I’ve thought about it, the more I wonder if the question simply doesn’t matter. Bud Hunt responded to the post on Twitter by […]
A Polarized People
I was eating breakfast with my dad last weekend, just sitting enjoying the beautiful Sunday morning meandering through the topics of our lives, when half way through my plate of banana nut pancakes the conversation turned to politics. My father, never one to hold back an opinion, began to passionately engage the conversation. He worked […]
Web 2.0- A Synthetically Organic Nomenclature
I’m of the conviction that the term “Web 2.0” is inherently problematic. There are many who maintain that the nomenclature provides a needed context for the changing nature of the web. I would maintain it does much more to deter understanding than provide any functional enlightenment. Proponents of the term state that the nature of […]